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  • Services | Thaisonmed

    SERVICES THAISONMED PROVIDES Supply & Installation of Equipment Warranty - Maintenance CSSD Design & Consulting CSSD Center Renovation Contact for Quotation HỌ VÀ TÊN First Name ĐIỆN THOẠI Email Send

  • Trang Chủ | BUSINESS NAME

    Trang Chủ: Welcome TOTAL SOLUTION FOR CENTRAL STERILE SERVICE DEPARTMENT, LAUNDRY DEPARTMENT, OPERATING ROOM CENTRAL STERILE SERVICE DEPARTMENT LAUNDRY DEPARTMENT OPERATING ROOM WE ARE ​ Our goal is to become a leading company in the field of providing total solutions for the Sterilization Center, the Laundry, and the Operating Room. ​ We commit to providing the most professional services, the highest satisfaction, and always be the most reliable partner of our customers. PARTNERS Liên lạc

  • Packaging and Sterile Area | Thaisonmed

    PACKAGING AND STERILE AREA Sealing machine Máy tiệt khuẩn AUTOCLAVE STERILIZER STEM STERILIZER - HIGH TEMPERATURE Brand: Matachana - Spain Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Desktop Steam Sterilizer Model: M20-B Plus Contact Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Vertical steam sterilizer, small type Series: SC500 Contact Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Vertical steam sterilizer, large type Series: S1000 Contact Semi-automatic loading and unloading trucks (electric lifting, electric loading and unloading) Electric loading and unloading trucks (electric lifting) Mechanical loading and unloading truck 2 tier storage rack 1 STU EO STERILIZER - LOW TEMPERATURE Brand: 3M - USA Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact EO gas sterilizer, 136 liters Model: GS5 Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact EO gas sterilizer, 224 liters Model: GS8 Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Accessories for the EO . Gas Sterilizer Model: 4-100 and 50AN Máy gia công túi ép PUMP BAG PROCESSING MACHINE Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Automatic bag sealing machine, with expiry date printed Model: HM 950 DC Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Automatic bag cutting and welding machine Model: HM 8000 AS Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Barcode Scanner Model: HM 980 BR Contact Feature: Ergonomic, versatile design Material made of stainless steel AISI 304 Equipped with enough storage baskets, LEDs, power outlets, internet ports, magnifier to monitor the quality of tools and drawers. Two types of table with dimensions (Length x Width X Height of table top / Total height): 1600 (or 2000) x 800 x 900/1900 mm. Packaging table Brand: Matachana / Spain Packing Table AUTO - READER INDICATORS Máy ủ và đọc Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Incubator & biological indicator reader, LCD display Model: IC10/20FRLCD Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Incubator & biological indicator reader, 12 positions Model: IC10/20FR Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Incubator & biological indicator reader, 3 positions Model: MiniBio Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Bioindicator, 10 positions Model: IC10/20 Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Incubator & biological indicator reader, EO . sterilizer Model: 390G HYGIENE MONITORING Máy ATP Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Hygiene monitor, ATP method Model: LX25 Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact ATP rod for surface sample measurement Model: UXC Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact ATP rods measured with water samples Model: H2O

  • Chemicals | Thaisonmed

    Tiêu đề vật tư tiêu hao HÓA CHẤT Hóa chất tiền xử lý Hóa chất làm sạch Hóa chất bổ trợ PRE - CLEANING Brand: Borer - Origin: Switzerland Pre-treatment F oam ​Bọt tiền xử l ý Sử dụng trực trực tiếp, không cần pha loãng pH trung tính Gốc nước, chứa chất hoạ t động bề mặt và chất ức chế ăn mòn ​Giữ ẩm và chống khô cắn trên bề mặt dụng cụ trong 48 giờ điều kiện thường, 100 giờ trong hộp kín ​Bọt lỏng dễ dàng bao phủ dụng cụ, bọt nhanh tan cho phép dễ dàng nhìn thấy dụng cụ sắc nhọn Dễ dàng loại bỏ và rửa sạ ch ​Không được phân loại là chất độc hạ i HÓA CHẤT LÀM SẠCH Enzymatic Plus Chất tẩy rửa pH trung tính Có thể được sử dụng trong các máy rửa khử khuẩn tự động, máy rửa siêu âm, làm sạch thủ công Thích hợp sử dụng trên các bề mặt kháng nước: thép không gỉ, gốm sứ, thủy tinh, nhựa, kim loại mềm Thành phần: Enzyme (protease, lipase, amylase, cellulase), chất tạo phức, chất ức chế ăn mòn, chất hoạt động bề mặt pH dung dịch: 8.6 pH pha loãng: 2ml dung dịch/ 1 lít nước = pH 8.4 Hãng: Getinge - Xuất xứ: Thụy Điển Universal Detergent Chất tẩy rửa kiềm nhẹ Có thể sử dụng trong máy rửa khử khuẩn tự động, máy rửa siêu âm, rửa thủ công Thích hợp để sử dụng các dụng cụ kháng kiềm: thép không gỉ, gốm sứ, thủy tinh, nhựa kháng kiềm, kim loại mềm Thành phần: Enzyme, tác nhân tạo phức, chất ức chế ăn mòn, chất hoạt động bề mặt pH dung dịch: 11 pH pha loãng: 5ml dung dịch/ 1 lít nước = pH>9.9 Heavy Soil Chất tẩy rửa kiềm mạnh Chỉ sử dụng cho máy rửa khử khuẩn tự động. Loại bỏ hiệu quả máu, chất béo, dầu và mỡ. Thích hợp để sử dụng các dụng cụ kháng kiềm: thép không gỉ, thủy tinh. Thành phần: Kali hydroxit, chất tạo phức, chất hoạt động bề mặt, chất ức chế ăn mòn. pH dung dịch: 13.5 pH pha loãng: 5ml dung dịch/ 1 lít nước = pH 12.6 Chamber Foam Bọt tẩy rửa gốc acid Không cần pha loãng, sử dụng trực tiếp Loại bỏ cặn, khoáng, rỉ sét trên bề mặt thép không gỉ của máy rửa khử khuẩn tự động và máy hấp tiệt khuẩn. Thành phần: Nước, acid photphoric, acid nitric, chất điều chỉnh lưu biến, chất hoạt động bề mặt, chất ức chế ăn mòn. DISINFECTION Brand: Borer - Origin: Switzerland Hóa chất làm sạch Neutralizer Plus Chất tẩy rửa Acid đa năng Loại bỏ rỉ sét, vết bẩn, cặn nước cứng của các dụng cụ, thiết bị, máy rửa khử khuẩn tự động bằng thép không gỉ. Thành phần: Acid ortho-phosphoric, acid nitric pH dung dịch: <1 pH pha loãng: 5ml dung dịch/ 1 lít nước = pH 2 Rinse Aid Hóa chất trợ xả Chất tẩy rửa chứa chất hoạt động bề mặt hỗ trợ làm khô và làm sạch dụng cụ Dùng trong giai đoạn c uối cùng của quá trình rửa tự động Thành phần: chất hoạt động bề mặt, chất điều chỉnh pH pH dung dịch: 2.2 pH pha loãng: 1ml dung dịch/ 1 lít nước: 6.5-7.5 Lubricant Plus Hóa chất làm trơn Hoá chất gốc nước, không chứa silicone, không chứa dầu khoáng Dùng sau quá trình làm sạch để bôi trơn các khớp, các bộ phận chuyển động của dụng cụ Dùng đồng thời cho quá trình rửa khử khuẩn bằng máy tự động, rửa thủ công. Hóa chất làm trơn dụng cụ được kiểm nghiệm theo tiêu chuẩn ISO 10993 về khả năng tương thích sinh học, không gây kích ứng, mẫm cảm hoặc gây độc tế bào. Không gây ảnh hưởng đến quá trình tiệt khuẩn bằng hơi nước hay EO. Thành phần: Chất hoạt động bề mặt không ion 5-15%, chất hoạt động bề mặt anion.

  • Nhà giặt | BUSINESS NAME

    LAUNDRY DEPARTMENT State of the art technology Tiêu đề nhà giặt WASHING MACHINE Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Hard foot washing machine, low spin speed Model: DLS Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Soft foot washing machine, high rotation speed Model: DHS Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact 2-door washing machine, threading Model: DHB INDUSTRIAL DRYER Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Mechanical screen dryer Model: DTM Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Touch screen dryer Model: DTT Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact 2-stage dryer Model: DTM2 INDUSTRIAL IRONING Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Wall Ironer Model: PM/PR Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Chest Flatwork Ironer, Double-sided Model: CC Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Vaccum Ironing Table with Boiler Model: TPC Máy giặt công nghiêp Máy sấy công nghiệp Máy là công nghiệp

  • Sản Phẩm | BUSINESS NAME

    ​DANH MỤC SẢN PHẨM MÁY MÓC THIẾT BỊ VẬT TƯ TIÊU HAO HÓA CHẤT MÁY MÓC THIẾT BỊ CENTRAL STERILE SERVICE DEPARTMENT WASH AND DISINFECTION AREA Thái Sơn cung cấp giải pháp rửa - khử khuẩn mạnh mẽ và bền bỉ nhất từ thương hiệu GETINGE Washer Disinfector Accessories Ultrasonic cleaner Dryer PACKAGING AND STERILE AREA After prewash and disinfection progress, equipment proceeds in packaging and sterilizing. Sterilizer Accessories Pouch Producing Machine Monitoring Machine NHÀ GIẶT The sub-department of the CSSD in most of Viet Nam hospitals. Provide laundry services to the hospital, doctors, nurses, patients, and patient’s relatives. We provide total solution for the laundry department including: WASHING MACHINE TUMBLE DRYER FLATWORK IRONER The first area to handle medical equipment. This is where prewash, rinse and disinfection progress take place. Equipment needed for these processes are ultrasonic cleaners, washer disinfectors, and accessories. Phỏng mổ PHÒNG MỔ, GÂY MÊ HỒI SỨC In the operation and anesthesia process, it is very important to stabilize patient body temperature. Body hypothermal can lead to patient fatal. We offer you solutions to this problem: BODY WARMING MACHINE WARMING CABINET INFUSION WARMER Disinfectant Spray Machine ENVIRONMENTAL SURFACES BRUSHES AND WATER FILTER VẬT TƯ TIÊU HAO Danh mục vật tư tiêu hao bao gồm: Các loại CHỈ THỊ: chỉ thị cho máy rửa, chỉ thị cho máy tiệt khuẩn, chỉ thị làm sạch bề mặt; Các loại VẬT LIỆU ĐÓNG GÓI vô khuẩn: túi ép tiệt khuẩn, giấy gói, vải không dệt, hộp hấp tiệt khuẩn 1/9 CHỈ THỊ HÓA HỌC CHỈ THỊ SINH HỌC HỘP HẤP & PHỤ KIỆN CHỈ THỊ MÁY RỬA CHỈ THỊ BỀ MẶT TÚI ÉP - GIẤY & VẢI GÓI HÓA CHẤT Danh mục hóa chất cho Tiền xử lý tại phòng mổ, Rửa thủ công, Tiền xử lý tại Khoa kiểm soát nhiễm khuẩn, Hóa chất máy rửa, Hóa chất máy tiệt khuẩn và các hóa chất khác. PRE - CLEANING CLEANING AND DISINFECTANT SPECIAL CHEMICAL 1/6

  • Job Application | Thaisonmed

    Book a place > Tell your visitors your story. Add catchy text to describe what you do, and what you have to offer. The right words can inspire and intrigue your audience, so they're ready to take action on your site. To start telling your story, double click or click Edit Text. THIS IS A GREAT PLACE FOR YOUR TAGLINE. About Us Job Application Position Submit

  • Consumables | Thaisonmed

    Chỉ thị Hóa học Chỉ thị Sinh học Chỉ thị Máy rửa Chỉ thị Bề mặt Túp ép tiệt khuẩn CONSUMABLE Hộp hấp vô khuẩn Tiêu đề vật tư tiêu hao CHEMICALS INDICATORS Brand: Terragene - Origin: Argentina Chỉ thị hóa học Type 1 (Indicator Tape) CT22 Wet adhesive tape CT40 H2O2 . Sterilization Tape Type 2 (Bowie & Dick Directive) BD125X/2 Instruction Pack B&D 00135LF Test lò Bowie Dick CÓ kèm tờ cảnh báo sớm Type 4 (Indication of 2 parameters) ​1. Hấp ướt CD29 Dual indicator sticks for steaming 1250 ​Que chỉ thị Type 4 cho Hấp ướt 2. Ethylene Oxide CD40 Single indicator rod for H2O2 3. Plasma 1348 Chỉ thị Đa thông số cho Plasma 1248 Que chỉ thị hóa học cho Plasma Chỉ thị sinh học, chỉ thị máy rửa BIOLOGICAL INDICATORS Brand: Terragene - Origin: Argentina ​Mục đí ch: Mỗi ống chứa vi sinh vật sống và dịch nuôi cấy nhằm mô phỏng khả năng sống sót của vi sinh vật bám trên dụng cụ sau quá trình tiệt khuẩn. ​1. Hấp ướt BT224 Indicator for steaming - 20 minutes 1291 Chỉ thị cho hấp ướt 1 giờ - Lò trọng lực - ​Đọc với Máy đọc 390 2. Ethylene Oxide 1294 Chỉ thị cho EO 4 giờ ​Đọc với Máy đọc 390G BT220 Indicator for steaming - 3 hours 41492V Gói thử thách cho hấp ướt 24 phút - Lò chân không - ​Đọc với Máy đọc 490, 490M 1491 Chỉ thị cho hấp ướt 24 phút - Lò trọng lực - ​Đọc với Má y đọc 490, 490M 1298 Gói thử thách PCD cho EO 4 giờ ​Đọc với Máy đọc 390G BT96 Indicator for steaming H2O2 - 30 minutes 3. Plasma 1295 Chỉ thị cho Plasma - 24 phút WASHING MACHINE INDICATORS CDWA4 Disinfectant Washer and Ultrasonic Washer Directive CDWU No-load directive for Ultrasonic Washer Brand: Terragene - Origin: Argentina CDWAH CDWA4 Indicator Holder for Ultrasonic Washers Getinge Assured Wash Monitor Ultrasonic ​Test Rửa - máy rửa siêu âm Mô phỏng mẫu máu và mô, đối với bề mặt dụng cụ Getinge Assured Protein Test Instrument Lumen - Test Protein dụng cụ lòng ống - ​KHÔNG YÊU CẦU MÁY ĐỌC Getinge Assured Wash Monitors F/R ​Test Rửa Mô phỏng mẫu máu và mô, đối với dụng cụ phức tạp, lumen Getinge Assured Wash Monitor UL Ultrasonic Lumen Test ​Test Rửa - máy rửa siêu âm Mô phỏng mẫu máu và mô, đối với dụng cụ phức tạp, lumen Getinge Assured Protein Test Instrument Endoscope 2,5m - Test Protein ống nội soi 2,5m - ​KHÔNG YÊU CẦU MÁY ĐỌC WASHING MACHINE INDICATORS Brand: Terragene - Origin: Argentina CDWA4 Disinfectant Washer and Ultrasonic Washer Directive Que test bề mặt UXC Kiểm tra độ sạch bề mặt (Quét trực tiếp lên bề mặt dụng cụ, đọc bằng máy ATP) CDWAH CDWA4 Indicator Holder for Ultrasonic Washers Túi ép/ Hộp hấp POUCH - WRAPPING PAPER & NONVOVEN WRAP YFSR Brand: Yipak - China Flat roll bag YGSR - Túi ép Phồng dạng cuộn Hãng: Yipak - Trung Quốc YTR - Túi ép Tyvek cho Plasma Hãng: Yipak - Trung Quốc YSM - Vải không dệt Hãng: Yipak - Trung Quốc YCP - Giấy gói dụng cụ Hãng: Yipak - Trung Quốc ER - Túi ép Dẹt dạng cuộn Hãng: Eline - Italia ERS Brand: Eline - Italy Roll puff bag ERT Brand: Eline - Italy Tyvek Laminating Bags in Roll 3-in-one series Brand: Ermis - Germany Steaming box size 1/1 Screen Basket Brand: Ermis - Germany Paper filter Brand: Ermis - Germany CONTAINERS & ACCESSORIES Basic ER series Brand: Ermis - Germany Steaming box size 3/4 Wire Basket Brand: Ermis - Germany PTFE Filter Brand: Ermis - Germany Basic E series Brand: Ermis - Germany Steaming box size 1/2 Endoscopy Wire Basket Brand: Ermis - Germany Silicone Mat Brand: Ermis - Germany

  • Wash and Disinfection Area | Thaisonmed

    WASH AND DISINFECTING AREA ULTRASONIC WASHING MACHINE Máy rửa siêu âm Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Ultrasonic tool washing machine Model: SONOREX Series Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Ultrasonic cleaner for invasive instruments Model: MAT MC 1001 WASHING MACHINE Máy rửa và khử khuẩn WASHING MACHINE Brand: Matachana - Spain Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Desktop utensil cleaning machine Model: MAT LD50 Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Washing machine disinfecting tableware, with dryer Model: MAT LD60 Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Washing machine disinfecting tableware, with dryer Model: MAT LD90 FLOOR STANDARD SANITIZER WASHING MACHINE Brand: Matachana - Spain Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Floor standing tools washing and disinfecting machine Model: MAT LD100 Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Floor standing tools washing and disinfecting machine Model: MAT LD500 Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Floor standing tools washing and disinfecting machine Model: MAT LD1000 2 levels standard Rack 3 levels standard Rack 4 levels standard Rack Boot Rack Endoscopy Rack Endoscopy Rack Botle Rack Test tube Rack Invasive surgical instrument Rack Anesthesia Rack Container Rack Multi-level Rack Flask Rack Da Vinci Flexible Rack 5 levels Flexible Rack 4 levels CABIN WASHING MACHINE Brand: Matachana - Spain Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Cabin cleaning and disinfection machine Model: MAT LD2000 LOADING TROLLEY WITH IWR (INTERNAL WATER RECIRCULATION) SYSTEM FOR INSTRUMENTS ADJUSTABLE FLEXIBLE TROLLEY FOR CONTAINERS OF DIFFERENT DIMENSIONS LOADING TROLLEY FOR CLOGS WASHING MANUAL LOADING TROLLEY MANUAL LOADING TROLLEY WITH AUTOMATIC ELEVATION AUTOMATIC LOADING/UNLOADING TABLE DRYER Brand: Matachana - Spain Tủ sấy Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Anesthesia and instrument drying cabinet Model: MDC - A Máy rửa bô WASHING & DISINFECTING MACHINE Brand: Ken Hygiene System A\S - Denmark Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Machine for washing & sterilizing waste containers Model: KEN BWD 731 Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Machine for washing & sterilizing waste containers Model: KEN BWD 733 Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Machine for washing & sterilizing waste containers Model: KEN BWD 736

  • Operation - Anathesia - Recovery Room | Thaisonmed

    Tiêu đề phòng mổ OPERATING - ANESTHESIA - RECOVERY ROOM BODY WARMING BLANKET - UNIT Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Body Warming Unit Model: 775 Máy làm ấm Bairhugger Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Body Warming Unit Model: 675 Contact Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Multi-position upper body warming blanket Model: 62200 Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Full body warming blanket for adults Model: 30000 Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Warm blankets for babies Model: 31000 FLUID WARMING UNIT - CABINET Máy làm ấm dịch truyền Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Blood pump - high speed infusion Model: 145 Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Blood warmer - infusion Model: 245 Contact Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Blanket and infusion warmer, single chamber Model: SWC Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Blanket and infusion warmer, two chambers Model: DWC Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Blanket and infusion warmer, three chambers Model: TWC HALO DISINFECTION SYSTEM Máy phun khử khuẩn Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Surface disinfection sprayer, fixed Model: Halo Fogger STD Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Surface disinfection sprayer, portable Model: Halo Fogger FLX Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Surface disinfection sprayer, portable Model: Halo Fogger EXT Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Chemical spray to disinfect the surface Code: HM10N0G4 Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Chemical spray to disinfect the surface Code: HS10N0Q6 Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Environmental Control Directive Code: CDS47V PORTABLE AIR DISINFECTIONS & PURIFICATION Máy lọc và khử khuẩn kk Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Air purifier & sanitizer, small type Model: NV 200 Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Air purifier & sanitizer, medium type Model: NV 900 Feature: Use with 3M Ranger 245 blood warmer and infusion fluid The high pressure infusion pump is suitable for 250 to 1000 mL fluid bags Provides maximum dynamic pressure up to 300mmHg With built-in pressure pump model 145, infusion rate up to 30,000 mL / hour High-speed blood and fluid warmer Model: 245 + 145 Brand: 3M / USA Contact Air purifier & sanitizer, large type Model: NV 1050 TOOLS - AUXILIARY SUPPLIES Phin lọc vàbản chải TYPES OF BROOMS FILTER FOR FAUCET MTF-WSCSS Filter set for hospital faucet MSF-SCSS Filter set for hospital shower

  • Giới Thiệu | BUSINESS NAME

    THAISON MED INTRODUCTION THAI SON MEDICAL EQUIPMENT CO., LTD - THAISONMED would like to thank customers for your interest in our company! ​ Currently, THAISONMED is the official distributor of high-end product lines, such as 3M (USA), Matachana (Spain), Domus (Spain), Hawo (Germany), Mac Medical (USA), Ermis (Germany), Eline (Italy), Terragene (Argentina), Novaerus (Ireland), Halosil (USA)… with product quality that has been confirmed globally, we wish to create should be the ECOSYSTEM for CSSD, Laundry Area and Operating Room. ​ THAISONMED is made up by a team of more than 30 employees spread across 3 regions of the North - Central - South and the Board of Directors has extensive experience in the field of design, renovation as well as supply, warranty and maintenance of machinery and technology transfer. THAISONMED is committed to providing customers with the most useful solutions and experiences in terms of products and services. ​ THAISONMED aims to focus on the comprehensive development of the CSSD, providing a total solution with a one-way flow instrument handling model. With the motto "Accompanying Vietnam Infection Control" as well as wanting to bring benefits, trust and satisfaction to all customers, all officers and employees of THAISONMED have been and have always made unceasing efforts to self- perfect yourself. We believe that with our ability and enthusiasm, THAISONMED will be a reliable destination in the fields of CSSD, Laundry Area and Operating Room. ​ The solutions THAISONMED would like to introduce to customers include: Free design consultation helps to provide flow drawings moving according to one-way process, 2D, 3D drawings, VR virtual reality... flexibly according to each Department, Room of the Hospital; Build an optimal equipment portfolio with specialized calculation software; Provide synchronous equipment for the Ecosystem: Infection CSSD, Laundry Area and Operating Room; Construction, installation, transfer, repair and maintenance of equipment professionally and quickly; Renovating and upgrading old faculties and rooms to meet the one-way process following the new trend; Supply of chemicals, consumbles and spare parts for at least 10 years. ​ ​ Giới thiệu

  • News | Thaisonmed

    News Medical News Company News Events Lung tuberculosis, malaria threatens mankind Covid-19 appeared to cause disturbances in medical resources, causing many other dangerous infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and HIV to flare up. ​ Pulmonary tuberculosis kills 1.5 million people each year, the most fatal infectious disease in the world. During the past decade, the number of deaths from infectious diseases has been kept at the lowest level. However, in the epidemic period, tuberculosis, HIV, and malaria are waiting to return. Suggest to investigate Minh Chay pate causing poisoning The Department of Food Safety has asked the Hanoi Police to investigate and handle the Pate Minh Chay case of poisoning many people. The document signed by Deputy Director Nguyen Hung Long on September 1 mentions that Minh Chay pate products of Alternative Living Company contain Clostridium botulinum bacteria, causing many people in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City to be hospitalized due to poisoning, with "severe and prolonged injuries". The Department requests the police to investigate, verify and handle the case. The US issued the script to distribute Covid-19 vaccine in early November The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) mapped out the Covid-19 vaccine approval scenario in November, with two presumptive "Vaccine A" and "Vaccine B" assumptions. CDC has informed health officials in 50 states and five major cities, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Houston and San Antonio, preparing to distribute Covid-19 vaccinations to health workers and at-risk groups. highly infected muscle. The CDC's guidance is the latest indication of the US acceleration in the race to find ways to repel a pandemic. Facebook

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